Thanks for your interest in my How to Draw a Dragon PDF tutorial!
The direct download link may be found below, BUT FIRST … I’d like to share a few things I’ve learned over the years about drawing with children.
Drawing can provide so many valuable learning opportunities.
Aside from basic art skills, like how to turn a shape into a form, drawing has been known to help students truly absorb what they are learning, encourage creative thinking, and support growth and self confidence. Not bad for something you can basically do with a pencil and piece of paper.
See what a difference step-by-step guides can make
Years of classroom experience taught me that the best way for students to learn how to draw something new, whether it was with a teacher or by themselves, was to break the project into clear and simple steps. All of my tutorials follow the same simple nine box format to take students from the first step the last, and encourage direction following as well.

Good news! A collection of 200 of my tutorials are available in a jumbo “How to Draw” ebook.
It covers themes like: Animals, People, Buildings, Transportation and much more.
All the tutorials target the skill levels of elementary students, and are a great supplement to other classroom studies as well.
Here’s what a few satisfied customers have recently shared.
Get your 200 Step-by-Step Tutorials Now!

More good news! You have the chance right now to purchase this ebook at 20% off it’s regularly listed price.
That’s hours and hours of drawing fun for the low price of just $19!
Just use the button below to take advantage of this offer, and give your kids the luxury of choosing what they want to draw next.