A fundraiser for Summer Camps in Haiti
Please consider supporting my friend’s drive to create two camps for kids in Haiti this summer. Scroll down for a free mural template to show my appreciation!

Many years ago I had the wonderful fortune of traveling to Haiti to make art with children in and around the Port-au-Prince area. It was about a year after the 2010 earthquake. I returned for the next three summers, and have stayed in contact with some amazing friends I made there.
What I was struck by in my travels, and remember to this day, were all the exuberant children that made the most of what they had, and all the adults who were determined to help them.
If you have been following the news at all, you may have heard that things in Haiti have only gotten worse since that earthquake 14 years ago. Political upheaval has allowed gangs to take over large parts of the country, so there is a constant threat of danger, on TOP of all the poverty.
My friend Winter Luc, would like to do something, and has reached out to ask for support in providing a summer camp for kids in the cities of Cite Soleil and Roseaux.

These summer camps will include dancing, swimming, English class, arts, paper mache and photography, even smart phone repair. Camps will run for a total of 22 days and help 30 children in each community.
Education and counseling will be included too, as there has been a recent rise in both physical and sexual abuse of young Haitian girls. Raising awareness will hopefully help those that need it, and offer preventative care too.
Please consider donating today! You can help bring some lightness and creativity to the lives of these kids, and send them the message that there ARE people in the world who wish them well, and want to help. Thanks so much for your consideration! — Kathy
Haiti Tap Tap Mural Template
To support the studies of Haiti, I’m offering a free Tap Tap Mural template that you can grab with the button below. Feel free to use it to educate those in your life about this country that is not on the other side of the world, but practically in our backyard.