Easy How to Draw a Moth Tutorial and Moth Coloring Page
Below you’ll find an easy step-by-step tutorial for how to draw a Moth and a Moth Coloring Page. This Luna Moth has a shape and coloring that is different from many others.
When students learn how to draw a moth, they have a chance to draw one of the more elegant looking creatures around. The shape of the wings alone are really lovely, let along the coloring and the famous “eye” spots on their wings.
Here’s a fascinating fact about a Luna moth. It eats constantly as a caterpillar, but does not have a mouth or digestive system after leaving the cocoon. Its sole purpose is to mate, and has only about a week to do so as an adult. No wonder you don’t see very many in the wild. That’s quite a short life span!
Moth Coloring Page
Moth Tracing Page
Materials to draw a Moth
- Drawing Paper. This is the good stuff you can buy in bulk for a good price.
- Pencils. I like how this brand always makes nice dark lines.
- Black Marker. A permanent marker will give you a dark black color.
- Crayons. The larger packs are nice for more color choices.
- Note: All of the above are Amazon affiliate links.
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Step by Step Directions for a Moth Drawing
Time needed: 1 hour
Draw a Moth
- Make guidelines. Start the center body.
- Start the top wings.
- Finish the top wings.
- Start the bottom wings.
- Finish the bottom wings.
- Add center body detail and antennae.
- Draw the edge lines.
- Finish with lots of radial lines.
- Trace with a marker and color with crayons.