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Art Inspired Halloween Costume: Cubism Paper Bag Mask

Make an art-inspired Halloween costume with this DIY Cubism Paper Bag Mask. It’s a fun way to add a little art history to your Halloween fun.

Art inspired Halloween costume

It’s so easy to have a strained relationship with Halloween costumes when you are the ART TEACHER at an elementary school. I’m guessing that in middle and high school, it’s not such an all-consuming day. But in kinder through 5th grade? It’s everything. Everyone from the principal to the custodian in our school used to dress up.

Back in those days, early October would find me annually wrestling with this list of requirements. It was very important that my costume be:

Simple. As in made in a few hours at most. (I was working two jobs at the time.)

Cheap. Like $20 cheap. After all, it was only going to get worn for one day, at the most.

Creative. I was the art teacher, after all.

Different. I couldn’t get too excited over pulling out the same one from the year before.

Well, over the years, I found a few ideas that I liked, but none as much as this ode to Picasso with a cubism paper bag mask. It took less than an hour to color, cost me nothing at all, and best of all — got a chuckle from more than a few teachers and parents. I’d have a hard time topping that kind of success rate today!

    Use the Button below to download this PDF Tutorial


    • Brown Paper grocery bag
    • Oil pastels, the opaque ones like Crayola
    • Scissors or knife, to cut eye holes and curves for shoulders


    Time needed: 1 hour

    How to Draw a Cubism Head

    1. Use a black pastel to start the center profile.

    2. Continue down to draw the mouth and chin.

    3. Draw the cheek going up the side, and neck.

    4. Add a profile eye.

    5. Add a brow.

    6. Outline the other side of the head.

    7. Draw a front view eye.

    8. Finish with lips.

    9. Color heavily with pastels on all sides. Cut holes for eyes and curves for shoulders.

      artsy halloween costumes

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