How to Draw a Landscape: Easy Step-by-Step Art Lesson for Kids
Below you’ll find an easy step-by-step tutorial for how to draw a Landscape and a Landscape Coloring Page. It’s great for a lesson about fore, middle and background.
Drawing of a Landscape
You can prepare your students for lessons on perspective by first practicing layering. This lesson for how to draw a landscape is tucked in to layered hills. There are lots of opportunities to draw larger things up front, and smaller things in the back.
This drawing has the added twist that the layers are all angled. Students can figure out how to draw perpendicular buildings that still attach to an angled ground. Hint: It won’t look quite right if the buildings leaning too, they need to always stand straight up and down.
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Landscape Coloring Page
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Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw a Landscape Step by Step
- Draw five angled lines.
- Add the lake, tree and windmill.
- Add trees above the lake.
- Draw clouds above the trees.
- Add a house, tree and car below the lake.
- Draw buildings at an angle on the bottom angle.
- Add windows and doors.
- Draw large tops of trees on the bottom edge.
- Trace with a marker and color with colored pencils.