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Easy How to Draw Planets Tutorial and Planets Coloring Page

Below you’ll find an easy step-by-step tutorial for how to draw Planets and a Planet Coloring Page. Once you know how to draw the rings, you can even make up your own solar system.

Planet Drawing

Drawing of Planets

Students that learn how to draw planets can have a little fun imagining what outer space looks like by drawing planets with their colorful rings. Once they grasp how easy it is to add those ovals around the center, they can draw them anywhere, in any scale they’d like.

A lesson about outer space is also the perfect time to practice a little easy perspective. Some planets can be small and far away, and some so close up they go off the page. Having some of each is what creates variety and makes a drawing more interesting to look at.

If you’d like to have students focus on the placement of their planets, and not so much on the struggle to draw a perfect circles, then a circle template might be worth investing in. A transparent template like the one shown here will give them the most help as they plan their circles on their page. It really helps to be able to see the paper as they add new circles.

Lastly, to mix things up a bit, I recommend using black card stock paper and metallic markers. Aside from being so fun to draw with, those colors pop off the page, and all those stars are made with a tap on the paper. And what other subject matter is better for bright colors on black paper than a drawing about planets in outer space?

A drawing of planets by a student, made with the help of a step by step tutorial

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Planets Coloring Page

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Crayola Metallic Markers
  • Crayola Metallic Markers* Water-based. If your younger students haven’t tried drawing with these on black paper before, they are in for a real treat. The color just pops off the page!
  • Sharpie Metallic Marker* Permanent, good for older students.
  • Black Card Stock Paper* It works better than construction paper. The surface is smooth, and the black is really black so you have maximum contrast with the marker color.
  • *are all Amazon affiliate links


Time needed: 45 minutes

How to Draw Planets

  1. Draw a medium circle on the left.

  2. Add a smaller circle up on the right.

  3. Draw a large circle going off the page.

  4. Add an assortment of smaller circles.

  5. Draw some inner rings as shown.

  6. Add outer the outer rings.

  7. Erase line inside rings. Add patterns.

  8. Finish with lots of tiny circle stars.

  9. Trace with a marker and color.

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