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Model Magic Food

Once you start looking for Model Magic ideas, you’ll see why cupcakes were a topic I came back to again and again. Save this one for Mother’s Day, or some other event that calls for a special project.

model magic ideas

To make your Model Magic stretch as far as possible, have students make hollow cupcakes.

This is done by forming a bowl for the cake part, and then another upside down bowl for the frosting. It’s also good practice for them if they go on to work with clay. Many ceramic projects begin with making a pinch pot in this same manner.

Note: Be prepared to give up a silicone cupcake liner for this project. I had hoped that the Model Magic could safely be removed at the end of class, but no such luck. The two were seriously stuck together. In the end, I decided it was worth it as the flexibility of the liner was needed as students worked. Any paper version would have lost its shape and torn from having things pressed inside.


  • Silicone cupcake liner*
  • Model Magic*


  1. Every student got a silicone cupcake holder, and filled it with a little bowl of Model Magic.
  2. Students chose from some very yummy looking Model Magic colors to make their cupcake tops using white or pink. They formed a bowl and placed it on the cupcake bottom.
  3. Extra colors were used to form decorations: red, yellow, blue, purple and more. To make green stems on the cherries, yellow and blue had to be mixed together. I think I have some future pastry chefs in my class.

Model Magic Pizza

My after school Model Magic class continues to be my most popular. My students made these much in the same way you would make a real pizza: crust, then sauce, then veggies, meat and cheese.

Model Magic Burger

Make a pretty realistic looking burger with all the ready made Model Magic colors that are currently available.

Your super stacked burger with cheese, tomato, onion, lettuce and whatever else you can think can go on the burger of your dreams.

• Model Magic, assorted colors
• Plastic cup with lid, 12 oz.

1. Form buns, hamburger, cheese, tomato, onion rings and lettuce from Model Magic.
2. Place on plastic lid and cover with cup.

Model Magic Gingerbread Cookies

I’ve found that if you want to give your Model Magic creations a bit of a longer life, spray them with a clear gloss when finished. It does make the color last longer, not forever, but at least a few weeks or so. I always tell my parents that if they really love what their kids have made with Model Magic, they should take a photo to capture it in it’s prime condition.


  • Corrugated cardboard or chipboard
  • Aluminum foil, cut in rectangles larger than the cardboard
  • Glue Stick
  • Model Magic in brown, red, white and black


  1. PREP: Cut the cardboard into the size you want. Mine are about 3″ x 5″.
  2. Students attach aluminum foil to the cardboard with a glue stick.
  3. The gingerbread body is made and pressed on to the tray.
  4. Decorations are made with white, red and black Model Magic. A white “string” around the outside edge will look a lot like frosting.
  5. Spray the gingerbread art with a glossy sealer when finished to keep it from drying out.

Model Magic Pies

Model Magic pies

• 8 oz. or so clear plastic cup
• Scissors
• Model Magic, assorted colors
• Clear sealer


1. Students mixed even amounts of bisque and terra cotta colored Model Magic to make a nice golden colored crust. A round ball was shaped and then pressed on the table to make a flat circle about 4″ wide.

2. The “pastry” was pressed into a very trimmed down clear plastic cup that had just about 1/2″ side to it. The extra was trimmed with a scissors.

3. Students rolled very small balls, or berries, out of red or blue Model Magic and filled their pies.

4. The extra crust was rolled and / or cut to make the lattice work on top.

6. White “whipped cream” was added on top as desired. Cherries on top added extra bits of lovely color.

7. I sprayed the creations with sealer spray. It keeps the art from cracking for awhile, and adds a bit of a shine too.

More Model Magic sweets inspiration

Model Magic Cake

3D art projects for kids are easy, if you start with Crayola’s Model Magic. They make natural colors that look just like chocolate and caramel. You can even use math for this project when circles are cut into quarters.

3d art projects for kids

• Model Magic, naturals
• Model Magic, assorted colors
• Manila folder, or similar heavy paper
• Old yogurt container
• Utility scissors
• Corrugated cardboard
• Aluminum foil
• Glue stick
• Mod Podge Spray


Time needed: 1 hour

How to make a Model Magic Cake

  1. Trim the edge from a yogurt container.

  2. Use the container to make a circle. Make one of each color.

  3. Stack the two circles on top of each other.

  4. Cut the circles into quarters (math problem!).

  5. Stack all the quarters together.

  6. Pat another pancake and place the quarters on top

  7. Trim off the excess around all the sides.

  8. Cut a circle from a sheet of corrugated cardboard. Glue and cover.

  9. Add whipped cream, cherry, drizzle and more.

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