Easy Pop Up Snowman Christmas Cards

Below you’ll find that DIY pop up Christmas cards are easy to make, thanks to the many get circle paper punches you can buy online or in craft stores.

Pop Up Snowman Cards

Pop Up Snowman cards, made with the help of circle punches.

Making Pop Out Snowman in the Classroom

Not that long ago, it was hard to find circle punches in more that one or two sizes in your local craft store. Thanks to the growing interest in crafts though, you can often find all kinds at your local Michaels or JoAnns. Even easier, Amazon will help you pick the perfect set of three, which in my view, are a 1.5″, 2″ and 3″ circle punch. They are amazing tools, and totally make this a doable project with groups of kids.

My important tip is to cut all (or almost all) of the circles and snowflakes ahead of time. Don’t make the mistake I did which was to think I could punch out plenty while students worked. Stress is having students use circles faster than you can make them, and as you can guess, these use up quite a few.

An alternative solution is to buy extra punches so students can cut their own. Mine were always pretty fascinated with how a perfect circle can come out from a single punch, so if you can afford it, more tools will make it an extra fun project!

Materials for DIY Pop Up Cards

• Circle punch, 3″*
• Circle punch, 2″*
• Circle punch, 1.5″*
• Snowflake punch, small*
• Glue stick
• Markers, black, orange

*The above product links are referrals. If you click through and take action, I’ll be compensated a small amount, at no extra expense to you.


Time needed: 45 minutes

Making a Pop Up Snowman card

  1. Punch enough white circles for each student.

    A total of 5 of each size are needed.

  2. Starting with the 3″ circles, students fold each in half.

  3. When all five are folded, they are stacked up.

  4. Students add glue to between each layer so they become one.

  5. The stack is opened to reveal the “ball” shape, and glued to the card.

  6. Students repeat the steps with the 2″ and 1.5″ circles.

  7. When complete, a hat and face is drawn with a marker.

  8. Students punch snowflakes from the scraps of white paper

    The flakes are glued down with a glue stick.

Another Pop Out Card Idea

valentine card ideas for kids
Heart Pop Up Card, made with a heart punch.

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