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Self Portrait Idea: How to Draw a Doodle Self Portrait and Template

This self portrait idea asks students to tell their story with just visual clues; i.e. a bracelet made in camp, mosquito bite from the lake, etc. Drawing on a paper that is made to look like writing paper adds to the charm!

Doodle Self Portrait

Doodle Self Portrait

More about Self Portrait Drawing

Self portrait projects are always a fun way to let students learn more about each other in a fun and creative way. The great thing about drawing this self portrait on a real OR printed piece of school paper (on page 3) is that some easy captions can get added to explain all these clues. Full sentences are not necessary, it’s more like a labeling kind of job. The lines make it easy to write, and add a casual feel to the drawing too.

Encourage students to label at least three things, and then fill all the remaining space with lots of colorful doodles. The more they have, the more fun their self portrait is to look at!

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Doodle Sample Drawing

Drawing Paper Template

Materials for Self Portrait

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  • Drawing Paper. Don’t substitute it with copy paper or construction paper. The surface will get fuzzy, erasing might cause holes, and the colors will generally not look as bright.
  • Stabilo Markers. The large pack provides lots of fun color choices, several shades of each color, including a few choices for skin. The tips are perfect for coloring, and there’s even a promise that they will work after being uncapped for 8 weeks!
  • Pencil. The Ticonderoga brand are the most reliable, make nice dark lines when you need them, and are the easiest to erase.
  • Eraser. Large ones you can hold in your hand do a much better job than just the pencil tips. Stabilo Markers. They have the best colors, the best tips, and last the longest.
  • Black Sharpie Marker. These fine point permanent markers are great for making a crisp outline to your drawing. Use them when you want your outline show up, but not be so heavy that it detracts from other things.

Directions for Self Portrait

Time needed: 45 minutes

How to make a Doodle Self Portrait

  1. Draw a U shape head and start the body.

  2. Add sleeves, shorts (or draw pants or skirt).

  3. Draw two matching arms.

  4. Add two legs and shoes.

  5. Draw hair on the head.

  6. Here are some more hair options.

  7. Draw the face and clothes.

  8. Add a name in big block letters.

  9. Draw lots of captions and doodles. Trace and color.

self portrait drawing
Another Doodle Self Portrait

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