How to Draw Amanda Gorman

Learn how to draw Amanda Gorman, an American poet and activist who has now performed both at an Inauguration and a Super Bowl.

Drawing of Amanda Gorman, poet

Amanda Gorman is the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history, as well as an award-winning writer and cum laude graduate of Harvard University. Any one of those accomplishments would make her an incredible role model, but all together? At only twenty-two years of age? Simply amazing.

This tutorial shows students how to draw Amanda’s portrait in what is called a 3/4 view. It’s very similar to drawing someone with a direct front view, just with a bit of a turn to one side.

Preview of the step by step Amanda Gorman tutorial



Time needed: 45 minutes

How to Draw Amanda Gorman

  1. Draw the main shape of her head as shown.

  2. Add eyes to the side, and nose in between.

  3. Draw her eyelids, and eyebrows and finish the nose.

  4. Add her mouth, ear and earrings.

  5. Start Amanda’s hair as shown.

  6. Add her hair band and erase the head line.

  7. Draw a shirt collar.

  8. Add a jacket and block letters above.

  9. Trace with a marker and color.

Now you can make your own Amanda Gorman Mural for your Classroom!

Click above to learn how a simple PDF template can help your students make this!

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