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Easy How to Draw the Pyramids Tutorial and Pyramids Coloring Page

Below you’ll find an easy step-by-step tutorial for how to draw a the Pyramids and a Pyramids Coloring Page. It’s fun to place them in their natural surroundings.

Pyramids Drawing

Now students can learn how to draw a pyramid by both drawing them with a shadow to look 3D, and placing them in their natural setting. It’s easy to add a few hills of sand and palm trees to create a desert oasis, once you see an example of what that might look like. Add the branches of one in the foreground, a tree in the middle ground, and pyramids in the background, and you have the makings of a really lovely drawing that includes these historic symbols of Egypt.

Use Button below to grab a PDF Tutorial

Pyramids Coloring Page

Pyramid Coloring page, available as a free download.

Materials to draw a Pyramid

Drawing Paper

This is the good stuff you can buy in bulk for a good price. Note: All of the links shared here are affiliate links.


I like how this brand always makes nice dark lines.

Sharpie Markers Black

A permanent marker will give you a dark black color.

Colored Pencils or Crayons

A larger pack will offer more color choices.

Step by Step Directions

Time needed: 45 minutes

How to Draw the Pyramids

  1. Draw a horizon line.

  2. Add a small pyramid.

  3. Draw the larger pyramid behind.

  4. Add lines.

  5. Draw a palm tree to one side.

  6. Add large branches on the right.

  7. Draw a pool of water in the foreground.

  8. Add a large sun or moon in the sky.

  9. Trace with marker and color.

More Egyptian Projects

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  1. I’m a volunteer art teacher for a first grade class. This lesson worked great for them, and I was able to tie in 6 of the 7 elements of art: line, shape, form, value, space, and color. BUT – am I wrong, but is the shadow side of the pyramids supposed to be on the other side – away from the sunlit side? OR – maybe the sun should go on the left side of the pyramids?

    1. Oh thanks, you’re absolutely right! Sometimes I miss the obvious things, so I appreciate feedback so I can correct that. Will do right away so not to confuse any more students. Thanks so much for taking time out to let me know. Kathy

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