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8 Disabilities Awareness Art Projects for Kids

Below you’ll find a collection of art lessons that have something to teach children about different disabilities.

Disabled characters have long been overlooked in movies and television shows, but thankfully some animation films have now come to play more of a role. When main characters in popular kids movies have what could be called a disability as part of their storyline, elementary students not only learn more about it, but they can become more accepting of it too.

Below is a collection of drawing projects and a note about each of their connections. Select the image or title to jump to that project.

Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh

• Eeyore could be said to suffer from depression, but his friends still completely accept him as he is.

Piglet from Winnie the Pooh

• Piglet is constantly worried, which is an anxiety disorder, and possibly what causes him to stutter.

Nemo from Finding Nemo

• Nemo’s right fin is smaller than his left one, which is also known as a congenital abnormality.

Dory from Finding Nemo

• Dory has short-term memory loss. There are a number of conditions where that commonly happens with people.

Draw Julia from Sesame Street

• Julia has autism. Sesame Street shares more about how she experiences life.

Draw Toothless the Dragon

• Toothless lost part of his tail, and his ability to fly, but a prosthetic comes to help out him and his friend Hiccup.

Draw Hiccup from Toothless the Dragon

• Hiccup lost part of his leg, and also has a prosthetic that helps him walk.

Draw Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame

• As an unlikely hero in the classic movie, Quasimodo showed his bravery, despite his congenital anomaly of a hunch back.

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