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Easy How to Draw a Ram Head Tutorial and Ram Coloring Page

Learning how to draw a Ram Head is easy when you start with a step by step tutorial. Here’s some help in drawing those amazing horns that wrap around the ears and face.

Draw a Ram's Head with the help of a step-by-step tutorial.
Drawing of a Ram’s Head

Before we learn how to draw a ram head, here are a few fun facts about rams. The male Bighorn sheep is called a ram and can be recognized by his massive horns. The horns curl back over the ears, down, and up past the cheeks. By the time a ram reaches 7 or 8 years of age, he can have a set of horns with a full curl.

The horn size is a symbol of the animal’s rank. The males can have horns that weigh as much as 30 pounds, which they use in their head-to-head combat with other males.

This tutorial focuses on the ram’s head, so students can concentrate on those amazing horns. Most animals don’t have ones that curve so much, so it takes a bit more planning to make sure they (a) look like they curve around more than once, and (b) match each other as best they can.

Save this project for students that are looking for a little more of a challenge than just a simple ram. The tutorial shows how to draw the face with all its fierce details, and then the horns so they mirror each other.

And if a ram is your school mascot, this is your lucky day!

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Learn how to draw a ram's head with the help of step-by-step directions.

Ram Head Coloring Page

Materials for How to Draw a Ram Head

Directions for a Ram Head Drawing Step by Step

Time needed: 45 minutes

How to Draw a Ram Head

  1. Draw the main part of the head.

  2. Add the eyes and nostril.

  3. Draw the brows, nose line and mouth.

  4. Draw the outside curve of the horns.

  5. Add the inside lines of the horns.

  6. Draw the details inside the horn.

  7. Erase the gray lines and add ears.

  8. Erase the gray lines. Draw neck fur line.

  9. Trace with a marker and color

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Ram Coloring Page. Stop by to get this free download.
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