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Leaf Pattern Drawing for Kids | Leaf Pattern Painting Fall Art Project


Below you’ll find an easy, step-by-step leaf pattern drawing for kids. Your students will love using crayons and paints to create this fun art project for Fall.

Leaf Pattern Painting

A leaf pattern drawing for kids, made with the help of an easy step by step tutorial.
Leaf Pattern Painting

This is an example of what can happen when you are able to combine two simple skills to make one easy fall art project.

First, start with good watercolor paper, which gives you all that lovely painted texture when finished. Multi-media paper is the next best thing, but really, textured watercolor paper just holds colors like no other.

Next, you use what I think is the best watercolor paint for kids, namely the liquid type. I’m not sold on any one brand, they all seem to work fine. Dilute the paint as little as possible so the colors stay bright. Spill proof contains work great for busy classrooms.

Lastly, hope to have a talented student like this young first grader named Sara, who took simple instructions like “make lots of patterns with the crayons” and ran with it. Some kids just have a flair, and that was apparent with this young girl as soon as I met her. Over the years, she made many things that took my breath away, but this leaf art probably remains my all time favorite.

A preview of the Leaves Pattern Drawing Tutorial

A step by step tutorial for a Leaf Pattern Painting for Kids, also available as a free download.

Join “The Daily Draw” to get this instant tutorial!

Leaf Pattern Coloring Page

Leaf Coloring page, available as a free download.

Leaf Tracing Page

Leaf Tracing Page, so students can make their own coloring page.

Materials for a Leaf Pattern Resist

  • Liquid Watercolor Paint.
  • These paints are so easy to work with, leave such bright colors and last for a long, long time. Well worth the investment.

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  • Watercolor Paper.
  • Real watercolor paper always makes the watercolor paint much more vibrant.
  • Crayola Crayons.
  • This classic brand always works well.
  • Rounded Watercolor Brush.
  • A good paint brush can make all the difference in the world. Who can paint small details with one of those big floppy brushes? This style with a sturdy rounded tip were my hands down favorite.
  • Non-Spill Paint Cup.
  • Train your students to leave the matching brush in each cup after they use it, and you have an easy system with very little cleanup.

Directions to Make a Leaf Pattern

Time needed: 45 minutes

How to Draw a Leaf Pattern

  1. Draw a long diagonal line.

  2. Add about four V shapes.

  3. Draw “fingers” around the lines. Trace with black marker.

  4. Use crayons to make patterns.

  5. Continue, changing the crayon colors often.

  6. Add more patterns until every section is filled.

  7. Add several crayon outlines around the outside.

  8. Fill the rest with crayon shapes.

  9. Paint over all the crayon lines with watercolor.

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Great, then use the button below to get your free Leaf tutorial. And thanks for wanting to bring more step-by-step, no-prep art lessons to your classroom!

Learn how to make a Leaf Pattern Painting

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