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How to Draw a Snowman: Easy Step-by-Step Art Lesson for Kids


Here you’ll find an easy step-by-step tutorial video for how to draw a Snowman and a Snowman Coloring Page. There are five fun ideas to choose from.

Snowman Drawing

A drawing of a Snowman, made with the help of an easy step by step tutorial.
Snowman Drawing

More about Drawing a Snowman

A basic flat snowman is fine when you are just learning how to draw circles, but after that, why not try to make him look like he has some dimension? Learning how to draw a snowman that looks really round, just might be easier than you think. All it takes is a little twist to his body, a few well-placed buttons and maybe a shadow or two, as shown in the sample above.

They great thing about drawing with kids is that they naturally find the level of complexity that they are ready for. Those that see the basics of the circles with the hat, carrot nose and mouth will be happy to just focus on them and put all those lines in place.

However, kids that notice the slightly turned snowman face and body might see how fun it is add these touches to their snowman drawing too. The best thing you can do as a teacher is just let kids draw and trust that when they are able to see more detail, they will be ready to draw it.

This snowman uses two ELEMENTS to add some realism to his body. First, the LINES of the scarf and hat show that they are wrapped around a round head, and not flat circle. Second, the edge of the body and hat have a VALUE change in that they are a bit darker and look like shadows. Together they add up to a snowman that looks like he could dance off the page.

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A step by step tutorial for how to draw an easy Snowman, also available as a PDF.

Snowman Coloring Page

Snowman Coloring page, available as a free PDF.

Materials for Snowman Drawing

  • Drawing Paper. This is the good stuff you can buy in bulk for a good price.
  • Pencils. I like how this brand always makes nice dark lines.
  • Black Marker. A permanent marker will give you a dark black color.
  • Crayons. The larger packs are nice for more color choices.
  • Note: All of the above are Amazon affiliate links.

Watch a fun short video of a Snowman Drawing

Step by Step Directions to Draw a Snowman

Time needed: 1 hour

Snowman Step by Step Directions

  1. Step 1. Draw a circle for the head.

  2. Step 2. Add a larger circle underneath the head.

  3. Step 3. Draw even larger circle underneath the second one.

  4. Step 4. Start the hat with sideways “S”.

  5. Step 5. Draw the top hat above the head.

  6. Step 6. Start the scarf around neck.

  7. Step 7. Draw the scarf ends and add the face.

  8. Step 8. Add arms and buttons. Erase the gray lines.

  9. Step 9. Trace the drawing, color and add some shadows.

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A Cute Snowman

A Snowman pastel art project

Another snowman drawing options is this tutorial titled “Cute Snowman”. It dates back to early classroom days when I had a large stash of old CDs that worked great for circle templates. Students with little hands can easily put the CD in the middle of their paper, hold it down, and draw a line around it. It gets their drawing off to a great start with a nice big perfect circle.

If CDs are not around, a collection of lids work well too. Yogurt, coffee lids, you name it. The idea is to help students get off to a good start with their drawing. A small and lopsided circle will cause frustration, sooner or later … and probably sooner. It’s always good to remind students that most adults struggle with drawing circles too, so there’s nothing wrong in getting a little help with a template.

A step by step tutorial for how to draw a cute snowman, also available as a free PDF.

Draw a Windy Snowman

A Snowman painting project

One more easy Snowman drawing project. This one will show students how to draw him close up again, slightly leaning away, staring at a cute bird sitting on his long carrot nose, while some winter snow swirls all around. It makes for a fun and different composition, and proves there is more than one way to draw a Snowman!

A step by step tutorial for how to draw a snowman cute, also available as a free PDF.

Snowman on Skis

A Snowman glue and pastel art project
Snowman on Skis

The supplies needed are black card stock paper, white glue, and Color Sticks (I used the Crayola brand). A pencil drawing, which does show up on black paper, is traced with white glue and left to draw on a flat surface. When completely dry, the shapes are all colored in with Color Sticks or pastels. The black lines keep their shape, thanks to the glue, and the drawing gets a fun kind of artsy look

Preview of a snowman glue and pastel tutorial for an art project.

Draw an Abstract Snowman

A marker drawing of a snowman.
Preview of a Snowman card tutorial.

Snowman Craft Inspiration

More Winter Drawing Projects

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