Easy How to Draw a Cow Tutorial Video and Cow Coloring Page
Here you’ll find an easy step-by-step tutorial video for how to draw a Cow and a Cow Coloring Page. Now there are four fun options to choose from.
Cow Drawing
This how to draw a cow tutorial has a few more fun details than your average cow lesson. It will help students add things like the tuft on the forehead and appropriate size spots all over the body. The slight turn of the head, and the foreshortened legs add more dimension too. All of these little details are not hard to draw on their own, yet really add up to a cow drawing that is more lifelike than what students maybe had drawn before.
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Cow Coloring Page

- Drawing Paper. This is the good stuff you can buy in bulk for a good price.
- Pencils. I like how this brand always makes nice dark lines.
- Black Marker. A permanent marker will give you a dark black color.
- Crayons. The larger packs are nice for more color choices.
- Note: All of the above are Amazon affiliate links.
Time needed: 45 minutes
How to Draw a Cow
- Draw a head shape and body as shown.
- Add the nose and the mouth.
- Draw the eyes and a large spot around it.
- Add two large ears.
- Draw horns and splash of hair. Erase Lines.
- Draw front and back leg. Erase lines.
- Add the other two legs, udder, tail. Erase lines.
- Draw spots and a background.
- Trace with marker and color.

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