The best part about drawing with students during the holidays is that they come with lots of built in interest. The lights and festivals celebrated this time of year can all be quite enchanting, especially when young.
As a former classroom art teacher, I spent years watching students go through the process of learning how to draw. In time, it became clear that many were often unsure about how to start or how to continue, especially when they felt stuck. Direct draw instructions on the front board did work for a little while, but had limitations. Some students always wanted to go faster, and some a bit slower.
The biggest benefit was that everyone could now work finally work independently! Nine simple steps and a little description below and it turned a somewhat noisy process into a quiet classroom! I found them to continually be a great way to help students build their confidence, and hopefully start on a lifetime love of drawing.
New holiday drawing ideas are added often, so stop by to see the latest one. It just might be the perfect lesson for your classroom today!