Learning how to draw cartoons can teach students so much about drawing.

Cartoon characters drawing itself is about getting things into their simplest form, which is perfect for anyone that is learning how to draw. When shapes are easy to see, young artists can learn the power of a few well-placed lines which could start a lifetime love of drawing. As a former classroom art teacher, I started creating my own step by step handouts so that I could work with larger groups that often had varied interests and skill levels. The benefit was that everyone could work at their own pace, and absorb the steps as needed. The low-tech format (no screens needed!) also meant they could printed or emailed for distance learning too. I believe they are a great way to help students build their confidence, and take some of the mystery out of drawing.

You’ve come to the right place for some easy cartoon drawings. You can find everything from Among Us to Super Woman, and more projects are added all the time.